12時〜19時 月曜・火曜休(1月9日は開廊)
オープニングレセプション:1月6日(金) 19時〜21時
雪下まゆライブペインティング:1月15日(日) 15時より
2016年 グループ展「レイライン」/ギャラリーまぁる
2015年 グループ展「正方形展」/ギャラリー羅針盤
2014年 グループ展「少女神展」/PATER'S GALLERY
2013年 個展「子どものやまい」/銀座月光荘
2012年 タマガワアートプロジェクト/玉川高島屋
2011年 第10回TIS公募受賞作品展(北見隆氏選「わたしの一枚」)
2016年 雪下まゆ×めいどりーみん渋谷店コラボカフェ
個展/ギャラリーカフェ テオ(名古屋)
渋谷 パルコPart3 カワイイメーカーSHOP ( グッズ販売、ショップタイトルイラストデザイン)
2015年 ライブペイントイベントBLACK&WHITE参加/渋谷ギャラリーコンシール
華×NEE 二人展 ゲスト参加 5.17 DesignFestavol14出展
グループ展 染まる/原宿デザインフェスタギャラリー
2014年 COMITIA110出展
イラストレーションは当然見て頂いている方々の層や依頼者の方の希望を第一に考え制作しますが、 油彩の場合自分の感情とモデルの表情を重ね合わせながら、自分の出したい表現が絵に現れるよう心がけて制作しています。 二人展では久々に人物を油彩で描くので、その点を意識しながら良い作品を作れるよう制作していきたいと思っています。
Kazune Shintaku / Mayu Yukishita
6 Fri. - 22 Sun. January, 2017 / 12:00-19:00
Open Wednesday - Sunday, National holiday
Opening reception : 6 Fri. January 19:00 - 21:00
Live painting by Mayu Yukishita : 15 Sun. January Start at 15:00
This exhibition features the works of Kazune
Shintaku, an artist who completed her graduate studies at Tama Art
University with a degree in graphic design, and also Mayu Yukishita,
currently an undergraduate student at Tama Art University majoring in
graphic design.
The portraits painted by Kazune Shintaku recall the works of Renaissance
artists Botticelli, Da Vinci, Durer, among others, while reinterpreting
them for the modern age. There are also works painted in the style of the
religious paintings of medieval Europe, and this hybrid of styles come
across as very unique.
Mayu Yukishita, though she has accumulated a large fan base for her work
as an illustrator, she will be displaying new works of portraits in oil.
She has an adept touch in portraying expression on the girls she paints,
brilliantly traversing the lines between hope and uncertainty.
Artist Statement
Kazune Shintaku : I paint young girls. More than anything else, it is because I have great respect for their freshness and vitality. I like to portray adolescence in my paintings ? a time which is both the spring of life and also a period of painful ordeals.
Mayu Yukishita : When making my illustrations, I'm always trying essentially to cater
to a certain standard, taking into consideration the person who will be
viewing it as well as the desires of the client requesting the work. When
doing my oil paintings, I can impose my own feelings on the expression
of the model I am painting, and I can put my heart into revealing the feeling
that I want to express. This two-artist exhibition marks a return to painting
portraits in oil after some time, and I have kept that in mind in order
to make works that are up to par.
Opning Reception