Eye Nishikawa Exhibition
Date : 7 Wed. - 11 Sun. November, 2018
12:00 - 19:00 Wed. - Sun.
Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Started his career in 2015. Has been joined 3~4 group exhibition and held a one-man exhibition once each in every a year.
Most of the works are consisted of black and white compositions created by using ballpoint pen or marker. The composition is almost like a shadow-box which is used the similar technique called Tatebanko; the method frequently used in Edo period.
He is aiming to express kind of a picture book like perspective which has fantasy and fairy-tale-like in a darkness.
At this exhibition which is held for the first time in Tokyo including the half-three-dementional works picked from the exhibition “Kuro”(“black”) and “Kita no Y?kai” (“North Spirit“) are displayed. In additional to that, you could enjoy some two-dimensional works.