会期:2020年12月12日(土)〜 12月27日(日)
12:00-19:00 月曜・火曜休
ありふれた情景なのに観る者の感情にさざ波のような不安感をかき立てる佐藤T作品、女性とその心象風景が溶け合う抒情的で幻想的な作品を描く篠塚はるみ、淡い色彩で揺れ動く女性の心情を表現する下重ななみ、 精緻な植物とともに人物を描き、古典絵画を思わせる静謐な世界を構築する豊永侑希、唯一無二のファンタジックな世界を独特なタッチで描く樋上公実子という5名の作家の作品を展示いたします。
Group show "Pandra's box 2020"
December 12 sat. - 27 sun., 2020
open : Wednesday - Sunday 12:00 - 19:00
Artists : Kumiko Higami, Sato T, Nanami Shimoju,
Harumi Shinozuka, Yuki Toyonaga
This is to be the 6th installment of the “Pandora’s Box” group exhibition
showcasing the works of female artists. While it may not be an exaggeration
to say that women artists are taking the helm in the contemporary art scene,
we share works of such artists with undeniable technique and creative expression.
On display at this exhibition are the works of five artists comprised of
Sato T who can depict a common scene that has the viewer experiencing ripples
of uncertainty, Harumi Shinozuka who can create lyrical and fantastical
works in which a woman and her surroundings blend, Nanami Shimoju depictions
of the fluctuating emotions of a woman in soft hues, Yuki Toyonaga with
her depictions of a quiet world in a style that could be considered classical,
and Kumiko Higami who depicts a unique and fantastic world with stylized
(translation by Otho Faure)