永瀬武志個展 「光と人」
会期 2022年11月19日(土)〜12月4日(日)
月曜・火曜休 12時〜19時
1) 抽選にてご購入者を決めます。
2) ギャラリーでのお申込み
3) メールでのお申込み
4) お申込番号をこちらでくじ引きし、選ばれた方のご希望リストの上位から順にまだ売約となっていない最上位作品をご紹介いたします。(お一人一点のみの当選となります)
5) お支払いは、現金または振込のみとさせていただきます。
6) ご当選者は、抽選当日の18時までに展覧会ページで、お申込番号で発表いたします。
7) 当選後のキャンセルはできませんので、十分にご検討の上、お申し込みください。
8) お申込みは、お一人一通のみとします。他人名義や複数のアドレスでのお申込みは分かり次第無効といたします。お取引はお申込者本人とのみいたします。
9) 抽選後に作品が残りました場合には、その時点からの先着順となります。
NAGASE Takeshi "The Light and Human"
November 19 sat. - December 4 sun., 2022
open : Wednesday - Sunday 12:00 - 19:00
"The shape of a person spun by light and shadow.
I painted these works in the hope that something similar to the breath
of life will dwell there."
The exhibition will feature 11 new works depicting light and shadows created by sunlight with detailed brushwork.
The method of sales for works of this exhibition.
1. A lottery system for intended buyers will be initiated at 3:00 pm on
Saturday, November 26 ( Tokyo time ). The deadline for submission is at 2:45 pm on November 26.
2. Application at the gallery
Those who wish to purchase works should fill out the application form provided by the gallery.
*Please note that non-textual verbal
applications whether in-person or by telephone will not be accepted.
3. Applications by e-mail
Provied us all of the following information. Applications will not be accepted if there are omissions.
Mailto : info@jiromiuragallery.com
Please copy and use the following.
Your full name :
Shipping address :
(We don't know what country your city is in.)
Your email address :
Your telephone number :
Any number of desired works in the desired order.
1. Work number, work name
2. Work number, work name
3. (hereafter same as above)
We will surely reply with a reception number to
the applicant by email, so please contact us if you do not receive a
4. We will draw the applicant's reception
number, then the selected person will be able purchase the work that has
not been sold yet in order from the top of the wish list.
5. Payment is to be made in cash or by bank
transfer. And we will accept PayPal In the case that the buyer lives in a
foreign country.
6.The winning number will be announced on the exhibition page by 18:00.
And the winners will be notified by email within the the day.
We will not inform the applicants who have not been selected.
7. Please note that you cannot cancel after winning the drawing.
Please feel to contact the gallery with any inquiries you may have. |